Application Forms

Please follow these links to view, print, or download the appropriate forms for your student.
All students need these three forms to register each school year.
01 - Student Application for Enrollment
02 - Permission for treatment
03 - Student Photo Release It is not requirement for admission to agree to a photo release, but we do have to have the form on file either signed or declined. Student names are never used with photos.
New Students Only
Records Release Request
Birth Certificate Form
For students entering a Michigan school for the first time, or for 6th graders.
Health Appraisal Form
If immunizations are declined then add: Immunization Waiver
For students who need to take over-the-counter medication at school (for any reason):
Permission to Administer Over-the-counter Medications Students who need to take prescription medication at school must bring the medication in its original pharmacy packaging with a note from the doctor.
For approved volunteers and/or field trip drivers:
Driver Information Form
Volunteer Data Sheet